A downloadable mod

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


SavingNewYears.bps 1 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

haha mega shock go brrr

watt best partner

also idk if its just me but the attacks seem surprisingly hard to time for blocking


Definitely a fun little holiday mod.  The concept of basically building your own Mario build through choices rather than a level-up was a great twist for a one-off mod and I hope it's not the last time we see a mod explore that. The tone isn't as off the walls as something like Gourmet Guy's 1000IQ Food Quiz, but there's still quirky moments and Easter Eggs sprinkled through the simple, yet charming tone the mod plays.

Only issue lies in a crash you may run into while making choices depending on your playstyle, but the mod is so short and the selections are so quick that even a crash will at worst result in you in redoing a minute or so of choices.

Would recommend to any Paper Mario fan, regardless of your level of previous experience with the series.


This was fun! Short and sweet and  very satisfying if you're ready to put 2022 in its place!


Gonna play this and then get back to my writing!